parcferme wrote in ontd_skating Apr 06, 2014 18:16
haters can hate skaters can skate, i think fs are some of the best looking, keepin it old skool, i'm whelmed right now, conspiracy!!!!, stop the presses!!!, borders on mind boggling, this is a disastuh, hay mr morozov touch my body, waste of handsomeness, even ice dance, ice dance, jk no i'm not yes i am no i'm not yes i
parcferme wrote in ontd_skating Oct 29, 2012 04:24
scott is a homo for tessa, be all the slore you can be, stop the presses!!!, excite us and me, oral sex=guarantee of victory, where did her legs go? over her head, trolling for dick, and she is not a whore, brb _skating fap party, unsheathe yourself, fuck me it's good, it's almost orgasmic, this skater dude is making my dick soft, y'all don't understand what she's saying, blame chanada, pcs = points for canadian skaters, the is a love eruption, what is peen, team slut approves, ship so hard, golden showers, virtue/moir, tell me about your feelings, gtfo stranger bitch, even ice dance, yes it's a sport too, ~~beautiful canadian brave soul~~
cerberusia wrote in ontd_skating Apr 25, 2012 15:39
~the future of skating~, sk8er w/ amazing hair who is ttly awesom, !!! :) :(, stop the presses!!!, go team japan power rangers, supa kawaii!!!
swingopenup wrote in ontd_skating Apr 16, 2012 14:06
more importantly i'm patrick chan, i c, wat, serving at a mcdolands near you, blame chanada, srs bsns, stop the presses!!!, pcs = points for canadian skaters, the dark hole of men's figureskating, pchan gets a tag, just a normal kid with googly eyes
bananrama wrote in ontd_skating Apr 11, 2012 09:28
damn usa what happened?, alissa czisny, stop the presses!!!, i can't get a real job it'll kill me, lol women's skating idc
m3hu wrote in ontd_skating Mar 26, 2012 12:03
how could have this not happen?, brb cutting myself, tell me about your feelings, skating and crying, stop the presses!!!, she doesn't even go here, lol women's skating idc
arachne1 wrote in ontd_skating Dec 28, 2011 20:42
oic isu, really???, we should run the isu, don't have time for this mickey mouse bs, what kind of icehole are you, srs bsns, stop the presses!!!, judges=corrupt & bears shit in woods, the judges are on crack, ice dance, why?, i c, wat, isu=unfree bitches, dude..., blame chanada, what the dave, pcs = points for canadian skaters, this is a disastuh, how is this possible., u wld appreciate the class these 2 exude, you're a tacky ass bitch, emo shit; semi-live, even ice dance, umm...
warmuse wrote in ontd_skating Dec 09, 2011 04:01
lol i don't evan, how could have this not happen?, really???, lol idek, what a fucking waster, quading: it's like friday night, post or die, why?, her furious beast, i c, wat, this skater dude is making my dick soft, y'all don't understand what she's saying, blame chanada, i made my mistakes, how novel, i can't get a real job it'll kill me, golden showers, how is this possible., pchan gets a tag, really jizzed about men's figure skating, when you see it, what kind of icehole are you, stop the presses!!!, own every last eyeball in that place!!!, bitches don't know, how could this happen to me, this is a disastuh, you oughta know, o___o, gtfo stranger bitch, !!!update!!!, graceful like a swan, ~~beautiful canadian brave soul~~
tamaryokucha wrote in ontd_skating Dec 05, 2011 14:20
more importantly i'm patrick chan, figure skating: our national sport, i hope that i continue to be a legend, you're not mulan you are but a mere hun, my girlfriend triple axel, incoming stan war, plushenko, comrade plyushenka, quading: it's like friday night, sorry i was busy doing a quad, you've got a great sit spin, it's great feelings, he's gonna make you cry he's so good, blame chanada, that would be a mullet, holy shitballs, we are all plushy's hoes, pchan gets a tag, why do you think he rocks them mullet, you smell like a winner!, really jizzed about men's figure skating, hello soviet suprise package!, plushenkohnotheydidnt, the kanye of figure skating, serving at a mcdolands near you, stop the presses!!!, fake tagsplosion!!!*~*~, curling is not important right now, crazy eyes, lock this post plz, plushenko wins eurovision, do you even know how to skate, brb _skating fap party, warning: warmuse fapping in this post, we’ll bring you some fierce moves!, dude..., your russian overlords, the skater with amazing hair who is tota, pcs = points for canadian skaters, platinum medal, walk walk sochi baby, you oughta know, not tl;dr more like not long enough, oh plushy, tell me about your feelings, mishin's minions, i'm so confuse..., why do you like him he sucks, yes it's a sport too, ~~beautiful canadian brave soul~~
tamaryokucha wrote in ontd_skating Nov 28, 2011 11:36
figure skating: our national sport, incoming stan war, 4toe-3toe and his haircut, jeremy = sunshine, artur gachinski's tag for real, plushenko, comrade plyushenka, quading: it's like friday night, a cheek where angels would happily dwell, ~the future of skating~, sorry i was busy doing a quad, sk8er w/ amazing hair who is ttly awesom, the japanese beatle, it's great feelings, bb plushy, he's gonna make you cry he's so good, what decisions will be made?????????????, we are all plushy's hoes, why do you think he rocks them mullet, go team japan power rangers, bamf jeremy, really jizzed about men's figure skating, hello soviet suprise package!, plushenkohnotheydidnt, the kanye of figure skating, liza tuktamysheva, + cup of russia, stop the presses!!!, fake tagsplosion!!!*~*~, plushenko wins eurovision, lol women's skating idc, bitches don't know, we don't want to be jeremy free, warning: warmuse fapping in this post, your russian overlords, #jeremyabbottrockstar, platinum medal, walk walk sochi baby, oh plushy, tell me about your feelings, yes it's a sport too, he makes old ladies weak at the knee